Modernized JavaScript 90's Cursor Effects, that we all know and love
Bringing those beloved cursor effects into the modern age.
These Cursor Effects have been sitting in my GitHub profile for a fair while now, and much like the cursor effects of the ’90s were a little old and decrepit, so I decided now’s the time to modernize them a whole lot!
These range from the character-based fairy dust.
Right through to the beloved snowflakes, and ghost cursors.
To emoji powered springy ball cursor danglers.
Each of these is built with modern JS in mind, so they’re super speedy and very customizable… you can have them sit over the whole screen, or sit within smaller windows.
Super free to use, which is the icing on the cake I guess! If you’ve seen any other old effects floating across the web, I’d love to bring them into this library, if anything for the preservation of a beautiful time on the internet.